Albert-Richard 2 – 1201 Geneva – Switzerland
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Leadmusic, Geneva - Switzerland
2 rue Albert-Richard, +41 22 731 62 72
Ask for our offer Regular price: CHF 580.00 VAT 8.1% included. Without shipping costs.

The Line 6 POD Go pairs traditional controls with a large color LCD to let players interact with virtual amps, stomps, and cabs in new and meaningful ways. Whether you’re running live FX into a stage amp, recording and re-amping through modeled amps and cabs, or outputting rich Helix-derived tones directly from the stage to the PA, the POD Go has you covered. The price and simplicity of the POD Go tailor this floor processor to players who have been on the fence about diving into the Line 6 ecosystem; despite boasting a premium HX Family sound library — the Blackface, Plexi Lead, Treadplate, and all your favorites are here — there’s only a short learning curve standing behind the POD Go and total integration with your rig. Who knows? Once you experience the freedom of gigging out with nothing but the guitar on your back and the Line 6 POD Go at your feet, you may never drag an amp out of your practice space again.

The Line 6 POD Go eliminates the hassle of loading up and gigging out by giving you stunning re-creations of some truly timeless amp tones. Sag, chime, harmonics, dynamics, crunch — the Line 6 folks have done a great job of capturing the tone and, just as importantly, the feel of playing through these real tube amps. Onboard cabinet models, stompbox FX, and analog/digital outputs equip the POD Go to be the only piece of gear you record and gig out with, or one of several parts in live amp chain. Expandable features include a headphone output for silent monitoring, an FX loop for incorporating real-deal effects pedals, and a dry amp output for monitoring through a live amp while sending modeled tones straight to FOH.

  • Streamlined floor processor with 270+ Helix and legacy amp, stomp, and cabinet models
  • Lightweight, tour-grade build quality
  • Designed to sound great into an amp or PA
  • Captures the tone and feel of playing through real tube amps and pedal FX
  • Large color screen is easy to see from standing position, even in the dark
  • Onboard expression pedal unlocks dynamic wah, volume, and rotary effects
  • Snapshots feature lets you save and recall tones for each section of a song
  • Supports third-party cabinet impulse responses for greater expandability
  • 4×4 USB audio interface delivers tones directly into a recording session in 24/96 hi-def
  • Onboard FX loop and headphone output
  • Dry amp output lets you monitor through a traditional rig while sending processed tones to FOH