Albert-Richard 2 – 1201 Geneva – Switzerland
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Leadmusic, Geneva - Switzerland
2 rue Albert-Richard, +41 22 731 62 72


Mullard was founded by Captain S.R. Mullard in 1920 and was from the beginning one of the finest tube manufacturers in the world. Mullard tubes have a rich, warm, presentation that still supplies all of the detail and information that any “state of the art” tube does but with a suave European flavor that is perfect for many of today’s more forward systems. The EL34, EL37, & Mini tubes 6DJ8, 12AX7, 12AU7, etc are some of the longest – lasting, toughest, finest sounding tubes ever made! Mullard is one of the few tubes that have the almost magical ability to separate the noise from the music, and the ability to present the two in different places on the soundstage. This is something that transistors never do! Mullard did go into a gradual slide, correlating to general “efficiency & modernizing” starting on the late 60s and got pretty bad by the late 70s. It was all over by 1981.

In the mid 2000 started again the Mullard name under the Electro Harmonix distribution, and wuality is among the highes on the market today.

2 Products
CHF 50.00 VAT 8.1% included. Without shipping costs.
Large sound stage with excellent detail. Factory selected for low noise and microphonics. Ships to USA only, very limited export, but hey, as we're not part of the European comunity, we have them in Switzerland...
CHF 85.00 VAT 8.1% included. Without shipping costs.
Copy of the XF2 Mullard EL34 of the 60’s. The perfect power tube for the Dynaco ST-70 or vintage Marshall amplifiers. the best current production EL34 available . According to the technical journal, Vacuum Tube Valley,...

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