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Tung Sol

Tung Sol

Tung-Sol was a manufacturer of lamps and vacuum tubes in Newark, New Jersey. Tung-Sol developed the first successful car headlight in 1907 and the first two filament high and low beam headlight in a single bulb in 1913. Tung-Sol was also responsible for the first flashing turn signal. In the 1920’s they entered the electronics field. They were leaders along with RCA in the development of sophisticated, statistical quality control systems. Tung-Sol created the 6550 vacuum tube, conceived and developed for Hi-Fi in 1955. Tung-Sol was a privately held company and was run like a laboratory. This gave Tung Sol vacuum tubes a reputation of having some of the best metallurgy and chemistry that has ever been pulled off in actual production. The Tung Sol brand name is now owned by the New Sensor Corporation. This new production Tungsol tube is manufactured at their Xpo-Pul factory (also known as Reflektor) in Saratov, Russia.

2 Products
CHF 50.00 VAT 8.1% included. Without shipping costs.
The Ultimate 12AX7. Big, warm, and musical. High Gain, ultra-low microphonics, and superb linearity with a dynamic 3-D sound....
CHF 75.00 VAT 8.1% included. Without shipping costs.
Large bottle type for the look and sound of 6L6 tubes used during the golden age of hi-fi in the 1940’s and early 1950’s. Uprated to 6L6GC specs for improved performance and reliability....

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