Albert-Richard 2 – 1201 Geneva – Switzerland
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Leadmusic, Geneva - Switzerland
2 rue Albert-Richard, +41 22 731 62 72
Ask for our offer Regular price: CHF 199.00 VAT 8.1% included. Without shipping costs.

Often overlooked the compressor & sustain pedal FX, this pedal might be the missing punch in the FX chain. With the ability to balance and stabilize the dynamic range of the guitar, it makes the loud parts quieter and the quiet parts louder. This takes out the harsh attacks at the beginning and boosts the notes at the fading end, sustaining them for better expression hence the name. Usually, compressor pedals smash the signal and introduces a lot of hum and noise due to the FX fundamental function, but we managed to hand pick the best chip available, and would not settle for nothing than the best to keep the noise floor down and still retain the clarity, string separation and spatial headroom, which makes this pedal sound nothing like ordinary compressors, no need for a parallel mix on this one.


  • SUSTAIN – pot control for amount of compression
  •  ATTACK – 4-way rotary switch for attack speed
  •  LEVEL – Make up gain for the loss by the compression; ON/OFF footswitch
  •  True bypass
  •  IN and OUT original Cliff jacks
  •  DC power input
  •  One single PCB with all components solid soldered, no wires and no connectors inside
  •  Aluminium knobs with ultra-sharp grip
  •  Original Cliff Jacks
  •  High Quality metal shaft potentiometers
  •  Slanted shape for better sight and easy foot control access
  •  Made to slide into a rail pedalboardTM
  •  Mechanically and electrically isolated footswitch
  •  Internal power deliverance 30V span out off +/- 15V power rails, superior stability in power supplying the circuit
  •  Bigger headroom, can handle high signals without clipping internally
  •  Lower noise floor
  •  Wider frequency bandwidth
  •  Uncompressed signal flow, retains string separation
  •  full analog circuit
  •  studio quality sound
  •  easy to repair, assemble/disassemble
  • 20 dBu Nominal Input Level 1MΩ Input Impedance
  • 20 dBu Nominal Output Level 1KΩ Output Impedance
  • 10KΩ Recommended Load Impedance
  • 9-18V DC, 200mA, center negative power supply, not included
  • Dimensions (w d h): 67 x 117 x 61mm; 2.64 x 4.6 x 2.4
  • 300g; 0.66 lbs weight