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Leadmusic, Geneva - Switzerland
2 rue Albert-Richard, +41 22 731 62 72
CHF 435.00 VAT 8.1% included. Without shipping costs.

The Empress Vintage Modified Superdelay isn’t your basic delay. Sure it does basic delaysounds, and it sounds better than anything else out there while doingthem. But if all you want is a simple delay, the Empress Superdelayisn’t for you. The Vintage Modified Superdelay is for musicians who want to beinspired by their pedals, not limited by them.Thanx to its very amazing Killer Sound Quality – The Signal to Noiser Italicatio is around 105dB.

Besides the already beautiful delays that are availablefrom this awesome pedal, the new modifications will tease and pleasethe ears of all tape delay fans. The Vintage setting now has some addedmodulation that makes the repeats lush and full with a bit of warbleala Gilmour.

The Vintage Modified Superdelay is finished in stunning black with goldscript writing and labeling just to make your friends jealous. That’snot the only change though. We’ve had the Tape mode refined to give amore vintage feel to the repeats. When you’re in Tape mode there are 3different types; Basic, Vintage, and Old. We left the Basic mode alonebut had Empress modify the Vintage and Old modes. In the Vintage Mode(remember, these are all under the Tape setting) we’ve added extramodulation for a rich, full sounding repeat with full frequencyresponse. In the Old Mode we’ve kept the same modulation but rolled offthe high end by 15% and added some grit to emulate a tape delay withworn heads, old tape, and a bit of flutter.

The effect is startling, warm fuzzy repeatswith enough modulation to give the impression of tape flutter from anold poorly maintained machine. The new Empress Vintage ModifiedSuperdelay still has all the rest of the features and great soundingdelays as the original with a new paint job and a little added appealto the tape and vintage delay fans.


* 2.8 Seconds of Delay Time – for extra long delays
* Vintage Modified with the new Tape mode: Increased Modulation in Tape Modes-Vintage and Old and Old setting has Highs Rolled Off 15% and Added Grit

* 8 modes
normal, tap, autoset (delay time is set by tempo played), reverse,
rhythm mode (multitap), tape mode, misc (dynamic, gate), and looper

* 12 second looper with regular overdub posibilities

* Expression Pedal Input – allows you to control either mix or feedback with your foot.

* High Pass/Low Pass Filter – high pass is good for electronic music, low pass is sweet for darker analog delay type sounds.

* Fast/Slow Modulation – slow adds extra texture, fast is a little crazy.

* 8 Presets – Settings can be saved to 8 presets. With three stompswitches, accessing the presets is easy.

* Tap Tempo with Ratios – many of the modes use tap tempo, and the ratio selection makes fast in-time delay times easy.

* True Bypass – The Empress Superdelay employs true bypass, so you can be sure that it’s not affecting the signal when disengaged.

* Small Size