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For complete confidence that your guitar is getting the humidification it needs in dry winter weather without worrying about whether your humidifier is leaking or hurting your instrument, check out the original Oasis Guitar Humidifier. Effective and reliable, it does what others can’t. Oasis is simply the best guitar humidifier on the market!!!
The huge success of our original blue Oasis “sound-hole” Guitar Humidifier brought numerous inquiries about how to provide humidification for other wooden instruments such as violins, violas, cellos, mandolins, jazz guitars, guitars with flat top cases, and some woodwind instruments like clarinets. After careful consideration and research, we developed our Oasis Case Humidifier. This style of Oasis humidifier attaches to the inside of your instrument case. It gives you the same reliability and ease of use as our original humidifier, outperforming other case and instrument humidifiers by doing the following:
Oasis has developed a better answer to humidification and solved these problems by using a completely different approach. The body of the Oasis Guitar Humidifier is made from a specially designed fabric that allows water vapor, but not water, to pass through it. As the vapor transmission takes place, a vacuum is created and Oasis® shrinks to compensate for the loss of water. Because you can see the Oasis shrink, it’s easy to determine when it is ready for refill. Also, you don’t have to guess when it is full. Simply unscrew the black cap, fill with water to the top of the container, and replace the cap. Once sealed, the water-tight container is your first line of defense against leaks. Humigel, the super absorbent polymer crystals inside Oasis, is your second line of defense. Humigel captures up to 500 times its weight in water in an absorbent gel matrix.
Like no other humidifiers, Oasis OH-6 fits inside your gigbag or case. The materials that touch your strings are relatively soft and won’t scratch. A blue polyurethane stabilizing bar fits over the neck of the humidifier. Once positioned in the sound hole, the stabilizing bar lies across the guitar strings to ensure even weight distribution. The Oasis Guitar Humidifier never touches the body of your instrument.
* Makes it easy to see when it’s time to refill as the OH-6 shrinks
* Provides long-lasting humidification.
* Ensures no leakage due to overfilling.
* Promises two levels of leak protection.
* Is stabilized to never touch the body of your instrument.
* Optional refill of Humigel can be purchased separately for cheap.