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Leadmusic, Geneva - Switzerland
2 rue Albert-Richard, +41 22 731 62 72


Peavey Electronics Corporation is one of the largest audio equipment manufacturers in the world, headquartered in Meridian, Mississippi in the United States.
Hartley Peavey founded Peavey Electronics in 1965 after building his first amplifier in 1957. Since its foundation, Peavey Electronics has been privately owned, and has grown massively from their humble beginnings in Hartley’s basement in 1950s.
Peavey currently owns 1.5 million square feet (140,000 m²) of manufacturing/assembly area over 33 facilities across North America, Europe and Asia, 18 of which are located in their home state of Mississippi. Products are manufactured mainly in the United States, the United Kingdom and the Far East, and are distributed to 136 different countries across the globe. They also hold 130 patents, and have a product range of around 2000 designs, with between 80 to 100 being added each year.

1 Product
CHF 8,690.00 VAT 8.1% included. Without shipping costs.
Peavey and Edward Van Halen had a relationship that lasted about 8 years, during which the formidable guitarist gave a mind-blowing boost to the popularity of the American brand, which was already quietly on the decline. In 1996, when this collaboration began, Peavey was still a reference in...

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