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Elixir Strings tone last 3-5x longer than ordinarystrings. This means you buy fewer sets of strings, change them lessoften, and trust that your guitar is ready to go when you are.
Now available, all Elixir nanoweb Strings acoustic setsinclude Anti-Rust plated plain steels. These unique plain steels offer3-5 times longer tone life than ordinary plain steels yet provide thesame brilliant tone you’ve come to expect from Elixir Strings.
Elixir® Strings revolutionized guitar strings byfinding a way to extend the life of wound stings without compromisingtone. Our Anti-Rust plated plain steels complete the long-life set.Now, acoustic guitarists can enjoy the same advantages as electricguitarists—a lifespan three to five times longer than ordinary guitarstrings and lasting tone throughout the entire set.
* Have the bright tone and punch of non-coated strings
* Feel like traditional strings
* Last 3 to 5 times longer
Available now with Anti Rust Plated Plain String in the following gauges :
– 11-52 custom light
– 12-53 light
– 13-56 médium
– 16-56 resonator
Special discount for boxes ( 12 sets ) Please inquire for price.