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The Jacques PRISONER offers 0.3 seconds of pure hi-fi analog delay in an affordable pedal format thanks to its high quality N.O.S. made in Japan Matsushita BBD chips. This Delay sounds just as the real things, and also offers a modulation that will help you get more than just regular echoes.When you stomp on a delay box, you hear both the wet AND the dry guitar tone . In digital delay, even the DRY tone is digitalized, which means that, no matter how good the delay is, the dry tone that mixes with it is lousy. If you don’t believe that, try to maintain digital squeeze with the delay all the way down and compare it with your original guitar tone. With the analog PRISONER,: the dry tone in the mix is exactly your guitar tone . This makes a huge difference and is part of why we still want analog delay in our computerized world.Modulation is the PRISONER’s most unique feature. When meeting Steve Morse for the MERCER BOX 2, Jacques noticed he was using a crappy old digital rack unit. He asked him why and the answer was clear – modulation delay. Having your echoes mixing with your —good— dry tone and then going into chorus gives you a 3D tone no other effect can give you in monophony. And analog pro tone completes this picture for total heaven.
* the true delay sound, 0.3s of delay time
* true analog chip
* offers modulation aswell
* keeps your dynamic untouched
* excellent noise signal ratio
* metal box