Albert-Richard 2 – 1201 Genf – Schweiz
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Leadmusic, Genf - Schweiz
2 rue Albert-Richard, +41 22 731 62 72


The Epiphone Company is a musical instrument manufacturer founded in 1873 by Anastasios Stathopoulos. Epiphone was bought by Chicago Music Company in 1957 who also had owned Gibson Guitar Corporation. Epiphone was Gibson’s main rival in the archtop market. Their professional archtops, including the Emperor, Deluxe, Broadway and Triumph, rivaled (and some contend surpassed) those of Gibson. Aside from their guitars, Epiphone also made bass guitars, banjos, and other stringed instruments. However, the company’s weakness in the aftermath of World War II allowed Gibson to absorb it. 

The name „Epiphone“ is a combination of proprietor Epaminondas Stathopoulo’s nickname „Epi“ and „phone“, Greek for „voice“.

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